UICT Medical Clinic
UICT has a fully operational school clinic staffed by 2 qualified nurses, one full-time and one part-time. In addition, the school has established an emergency access scheme with the MULAGO HOSPITAL Under this scheme, students are provided access to the hospital for initial treatment in emergency medical situations that occur during school hours and/or at school events. The school covers the cost of this initial treatment only. Parents are responsible for the cost of all medication and for all treatment beyond the initial consultation with the doctor. Parents are therefore strongly advised to arrange medical insurance for their children.
Please note that responsibility for the decision to send a sick or injured student to Mulago hospital lies with the school nurse, whose priority is always the welfare of the individual student. While access to initial treatment is at the school’s expense such coverage does not apply before or after school hours or on any day following an accident or injury.
If a student becomes too ill to participate in school lessons or activities, the school nurse will telephone the parents to pick the child up from school. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick, as your child’s recovery will be slower, and other children and adults will be exposed. Students who are sent home sick will be re-admitted to school only after they have been checked by the school nurse.